amanda • strutt
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From my hands to yours, made with stoke + purpose.

Because what we do matters

and how we create it, tells a story.

I am Amanda Strutt, a multifaceted textile designer who believes in staying creative, curious + connected to the things that ground you, expand you + bring you joy ( and frustration because let’s be real for a sec... without darkness, no spark is seen and “mistakes” are redirections that can open you up to a creative freedom.)

Art has always been a part of my life and I feel like I haven’t even touched the depths of what is possible. It’s the wandering and following the white rabbit sorta speak that keeps me craving the process. I was always amazed by my Grandmother and her ability to look at something and create it at will… something I’m so grateful for + to be passed down. Things were always made from scratch growing up, from play-dough to preserves + treats to costumes to prom dresses ( and not of the puff sleeve pink satin kind…. however I am a fan of a good puff shoulder or sleeve ) … needless to say if it was needed, it was created. I’m still in awe at times looking at a pile of wool and how something from a string can be formed into incredible pieces of all kind. The love, energy + devotion that goes into it, then the thought of wondering who it will speak to. To see it come full circle at the exchange of it all, is pretty rad.

My focus as a responsible textile designer is questioning what can we create from which we already have leads me into new ways of creating and exploring whats possible. Keeping in the realm of the slow made/slow fashion movement is something that speaks incredibly loud to me.

To honour is to move and make slowly, and something about that feels a little rebellious too.


I create every piece by hand. I want to give thanks to the farmers that provide, the animals that give their wool + the artisans who spin it into existence and the amazing small shops and people who share in the passion of all things wool + creating. And lastly, to my Mom, Grandmothers & Ancestors, craft is healing.  




This is my

My Right Now


All that

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All that

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All that


See more of what inspires me over on the blog
