It's a vibe.

Well it’s definitely a full moon in capricorn cancer season vibe today. I’ve been loving the moodiness of the days along with the wild Kali winds + almost all of the seasons in one day. It’s very matching of my emotions as I’m transitioning over here in my bubble. I’ve been here ( southern ontario) almost 9 months - and the date I’m moving into my next adventure lands on the exact 9 years ago when I moved out west. There’s no denying the synchronicities at play along with the excitement of this what feels profound next shift.

I’ve been enjoying time away from social media, with what started as a 4 week break turned into around 9 weeks, which then turned into me deactivating my IG account, which then in return felt WONDERFUL. I literally felt all the energies shut as I closed the door sorta speak. That was a sure tell sign that I was moving in MY right direction. I could go on about the reasons, the pros + cons, however I feel it’s not necessary, this is my next experience I wanted to explore ( like a friend said to me once, there is no good or bad, it’s another experience that’s all) - and I kinda dig that, takes the pressure off and helps me move in a much better alignment.

RIght now I’m sitting on my yoga mat with a candle lit, a “life is sweet” lofi hip hop mix playing, sippin on some lemon balm tea and staring out my window with the rain coming down + the trees moving with the wind and rain. It’s a perfect kinda melancholy moment. I have a a Summer Solstice Dharma and Yoga Nidra Practice in an hour and half with Tracee Stanley ( if you haven’t checked her out yet, I HIGHLY recommend + invite you to do so).

For now I am over + out,

Happiest Full Moon people, may you injoy it deeply.

Till the next sporadic blog entry!


amanda strutt