My Now - Fall 2019


All that knows

Sept 25.19

Well. I’m finally figuring this blog thing out. It seems simple, however, 6 posts later and nothing saved, tons of trial by error… what I’ve found is that it just builds on your own knowing. Knowing that yes if I do almost the same thing over and over again…. that I eventually figure it out haha! Isn’t that true for life though?!! We bang our heads in the same places, do the same things but try to trick ourselves by going a different route yet we end up in the same place… if I just have black tea instead of coffee it’s different right? nope. it all still contains caffeine. So with this actually being written and posted, it shows I’ve actually learned! I gotta say though, its been intimidating, I let it intimidate me before I even started really…why?…. because its something I knew nothing about, so finally I got some help, I needed it… I can’t do everything and why not have someone that loves her craft do her thing while you beat on your craft and stop trying to figure out something that pulls you away. It was pretty liberating actually…. if that’s the right word. It was freeing… and it also felt good to be supported. And support is what I received … above and beyond really. Em is magic and creates this space as your nurturing your own space within all the shit that comes up when building and creating a website… and trust me, there’s a pile of it. The layers peeled and that keep continuing to be peeled. The preconceived notions of judgement’s when really its just your own judgement’s. We’re our own greatest storytellers, and the ego is the main star at times, then after awhile you just pull up the popcorn and take a minute to pause and see how humorous it can really be. Laughter shifts energy… and I’m so glad it does. So now a few days later than I wanted I’m launching this baby. Everything in divine timing and lessons though, because without all of this I wouldn’t have learned ( and laughed) from and at my own crap. The more we heal the more we know and the more we know the less we figured out because the moment we think we have it all figured out…as my dear lion friend would say “ we get squashed like a bug. “

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All that burns

Secondly I’d like to say that I’m not here for the perfect writing/typing, abbreviations and use of there, they’re and their…. I’m a mess half the time. I love run on sentences and my use of capitals can be non existence at times….. if I stop for all of this, it messes with my flow typing and thoughts, so I leave it. if this is something that bothers the hell out of you, i get it. and this will probably be your last read. A quote is popping into my head right now, “ do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?” I’m not sure where I heard this, apologizes to not remembering and if you know, please share. But yes, I’d rather be happy.

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All that flows