A wee translation hiccup

Me* I don’t believe in putting expectations on my creativity…..

Also me* pfffffffffft …. let’s be real for a hot sec……

I’m not one to put expectations on things ( aka my art ) but with that said, I am human. I didn’t realize I how much I was until it wasn’t working and even with that I was getting all jammy in making it work, forcing…. the repeated trying over and over and over again, becoming the salmon and bunting my head against the rocks going upstream… you get the picture. If it’s one thing I know well is that you gotta leave space for the creativity to move, breath and it knows NOTHING of being forced, once it is, it’s like houdini and gone with a blink of the eye. Somewhere in between the inspiration and intention all translations were lost…. and when I finally surrendered to it, all became. Imagine. That. Shocker.

I’m also sharing an awesome you tube chat I listened to while working this morning on my new piece… with Elizabeth Gilbert + Rayya Elias, I hope you enjoy it! https://youtu.be/C2OQhHCVzMg let me know what you think!


amanda strutt