The creativity crash

Sleepy sleepy sleepy. Creativity takes a lot of energy…. maybe that explains my desire to eat kit kats + coffee crisps. I honestly can’t remember the last time I ate a corner store chocolate bar, besides being a kid and my Grandpa use to bring us a chocolate bars… Mirage to be exact and a crisp one or two dollar bill. The Grandmas + Grandpa’s always new what was up hahha! kick it with a can of gingerale or 7up and we were good to go… the desire to feed us meant we were taken care of I suppose or they didn’t want us to fade away. I can hear their voices now. Warms my heart really. Food…. the kitchen, it’s the hearth, the center, the heart of it all, maybe that explains me ending up at a kitchen table to crochet or knit and mixing bowls holding my yarn and wool.

Today I finished a design and didn’t write down any of it…. that’s alright, I like to work with flow and what creativity wants to come through or what my grandma is showing me, there’s always laughs had when that happens. It’s good to give space to it all and move in a way in which feels good, plain and simple.


( Jaguar photo credit - Maurits Bausenhart from Unsplash )

amanda strutt