Easy like Sunday morning . . .

I love the days where you wake up and there is an ease to everything you do, touch + make. Everything flows into the next like a puzzle piece, there’s no resistance, no thinking mind involved, just a simple ‘yep that feels good’ and away we go.

The last couple evenings I’ve spent partaking in a new ritual of hot shower or bath, some self care practices of dry brushing + using some oil I infused with some lavender and yarrow that I picked last summer up when I was working at a remote lodge in the mountains on Nuxalk Nation Territory. Using my new toy, a Gua Sha facial tool that feels pretty awesome. My jaw, head and neck have been feeling pretty mangled the last couple months so I’ve been using that along with some vagus nerve exercises that I found via the you tube. I find myself more curious about that lately, the nervous system and such and the tools we can use. Resting isn’t always the easiest but I am so grateful for some beautiful people in my life to remind me of it’s importance. Bringing in the practices that cultivate the ease, letting go, relaxation on all parts because really, it’s all connected…. relax the mind the body follows and vice versa ….. self inquiry and experimentation is a beautiful thing and it’s something that requires time… waiting…listening …. it isn’t rushed because the answers ly in the waiting + in the space. The least I can do is honor that.

I’m also reading a gorgeous book from Tracee Stanley called Radiant Rest who I was introduced to by Shannon Algeo ( who also has written a book that I’ve dived into as well called Trust Your Truth) - the practices are fantastic + much like the waiting and honoring… I’m taking my time with these books, savoring, listening + cultivating a relationship ….. I ain’t in it for a quickie!

for now I’ll leave you with my evening playlist…




amanda strutt