A morning chit-chat

I’ve been pretty quiet on here lately, truth be told I’ve been enjoying my own time away from social media, reading some new books that arrived in the mail and diving deeply into my art and practices. It’s been a cleansing sorta speak, I often wonder with cleanses ….food for instance why we choose to go back to garbage type food after spending time eating and nourishing ourselves in new ways? ( and I’m a total walking contradiction might I add) …. I love my jujubes and candy…BUT I’ve found a sweet as substitute with some melon sours from Smart Sweets, they’ve helped quite a bit! There’s such a mental, emotional, habit connection between forming something new to the old comforting ways. Questioning ourselves and eating consciously - yes I realize even after I type that word that eye rolls are had , but all in all be aware of why you turning to whatever your turning to is the first step, sometimes it’s just that simple “ why am I doing this?” can shift things. It takes practice and awareness and choosing something different. A pattern/habit broken is gonna feel weird, plan and simple + it’s through repetition that we start to become in relationship with that new thing. Lately my new relationship has been taking a hiatus from IG, after the first month and feeling so good, I decided that a 6 month sabbatical may feel just as good. Also with that 2 weeks ago I decided to go fully plant based in my eating …. I hit a lull a couple days ago where I would of cut a bitch for a sour jujube, but instead I chugged some coconut water ( I know… totally makes sense right?!!) The lull faded and I wrote out a few new recipes I found on line to try out…. prep is the ultimate key in my succeeding I’m realizing, out came the endless tiny mason jars and I got down with some kitchen therapy making everything plant based, pickled + chopped. Pickled onions, carrots, carrot slaw, radishes ( so stinky and didn’t really turn out) … key lime tarts in jars, chocolate pumpkin pudding ( similar to choco avo pudding) chia puddings, oatmeal cookies, big batches of soups with coconut milk, potato cheese sauces …because condiments are life! If I hadn’t of done the prep I would of epically failed.

I feel like with anything + trying new things, just know why your doing it, intention is everything and it feels good to get real with yourself on what your focus is. And one last thing…. you don’t have to explain yourself to anyone when doing so or give reasons. The more simple you keep it the less opinions to come in. If someone asks where you get your protein from… let them know they can google it… Gone is the energy I’ve wasted on explaining where protein comes from lol.

Enjoy the vlog!

Much love to you all!

amanda strutt