Morning rituals

It’s 8:29 am . sipping on the last few sips of my Vega energizer tea, another morning ritual that’s been for the last 5 years, get up put kettle on, get out journal , have first sip and my body literally sighs. I stir it up with my chopstick ( because the ingredients settle to the bottom and for some reason I always have a chopstick on my table?!!) then I watch it spiral, the sun light comes in then it sparkles like gold dust. Yep, every morning and it never gets old, the first sip never sucks and it always tastes the sweetest. To be honest there’s moments at night when I’m brushing my teeth and crawling into bed and I get a little excited for the morning because that’s how much I love them, that slice of still slow rolling mornings that are my necessity. I don’t wake up fast, I don’t wake up to a blaring alarm, I tend to set it for a few minutes early so I can stretch in bed and settle into the waking phase in between the snooze hits. Morning bliss. I dig it.

Also something that I’ve been tuning into on Audible is Atomic Habits by James Clear. If you haven’t heard of him, I’ll leave a link to a recent podcast episode I consumed with Rich Roll ( another forever favorite )

Hope you enjoy!

amanda strutt