Take me in and dry the rain

I’m sitting here knitting, working on my first sock ever and watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch… yep you heard that right…. sometimes you just need a break from all the things that stimulate thought and the undertones of fixing, working on, contemplating, figuring out, how to’s, all things spiritual and things with the echos of seriousness and watch a fun witchy show. It’s the fantasy aspect I dig, the magic, the creating, the conjuring…. it’s fun. light and takes me somewhere else. Anyways during the episode this song came on ( The Beta Band, Dry the Rain- BEST SONG EVER ) and I got chills and took me back, I felt freedom and this rebel expression I haven’t felt in awhile….music is the friggen greatest and to be honest I haven’t listen to much since being back for a visit in Ontario… I arrived on the 9th …so that’s a long haul for me. Cramming my head full of other listens (awesome things mind you) however music can shift so much… your state, place and headspace. Currently I have The Beta Band “Dry the Rain” on repeat…. and I suggest you doing the same while reading this post lol. Eye closed, headphones on… and loud, minute 2:02 is when it gets ever better hahah!! I love a song that doesn’t just give it to you all in the beginning or end…. it’s that in between is when + where the magic happens. (and 3:22 it hits again lol)

Anyways this is a spontaneous blog post, the music moved me to action and in the word of The Beta Band;

“If there's something inside that you want to say
Say it out loud it'll be okay
I will be your light
I will be your light
I will be your light
I will be your light”

Thanks for being my light people. Thank you for listening, hearing, supporting and loving on me. I appreciate it and I love you all. So if your hesitant in doing anything, taking that leap to make, write, do that thing, just play this song and fucking go for it, I will be your light.


P.s/ happiest scorpio season to all, may you stir shit up in all that you ARE.

also I linked the full album of The Beta Band below because IT’S SO GOOD.

you’re welcome *wink.

Unsplash image : Charlie Deets

amanda strutt